Sketching as Meditation

Do you have a happy place?

I'm serious. Is there a spot you go when you want to be completely at peace?

One of my favorite things about drawing and making art is that when you get into the flow, it's easy to lose track of time and forget about all the stressful parts of life. Even if you are in your home, it can feel like a totally different headspace.

Who you are in this place is free from judgement and social obligations. Your art becomes a true extension of your identity.

For me, this type of creative expression is essential to being happy at work and life. I've also found that the more you go to that place and feel at peace, the more you can be present in your work and relationships.

It's like a water well. The deeper you go, the more there is to bring out to share with the world. 

Wherever you go, go often. It's where you will find your truest self.


Eric Friedensohn