Extra Paint Trailer by @efdot + @muralists Communtiy


Here’s what I’ve been up to with this new secret side project… Below is my rough draft of the podcast trailer + mission statement.

This is my first time doing something like this. I would love your feedback in the comments of this post or via email eric@efdotstudio.com.

Extra Paint Podcast: Short Trailer

Mission statement for @Muralists community

Murals bring us together. They adorn our environments, they shape our neighborhoods, they provide the backgrounds for our selfies.

@Muralists is a community bringing together the artists behind the murals we see and interact with all across the world.

Turning a wall or a building into a work of art comes with its share of stories and lessons, and we want to connect you with those experiences as a way to educate and inspire you.

Whether you’re thinking of your next project, wondering how to get started, or you’re simply curious, we’re welcoming you into a community to learn everything there is to know about murals, muralists, and how to make a positive impact on the world through the walls we all share.


Extra Paint Podcast: Extended Trailer

This above version of the trailer will most likely not be put in the official podcast. I still wanted to share it with you to give you more context on what we’re building.

Looking forward to your feedback and sharing more content with you soon.