Hopeful Thoughts on Getting Through the Pandemic


To be honest, I felt paralyzed the last month when it came to talking in public about the pandemic.

I kept retreating to my art and using that as a vehicle to cope with my feelings. I think that was a good thing to do as I always feel more at ease while creating.

It still feels so hard to talk about, as it is affecting so many of us in drastic ways and we don't know when this will be over.

So instead I shared a video that was all about optimism. It seemed like it resonated with a lot of people and gave an uplifting boost when we needed it most.

Here are some thoughts that have been on my mind, that are helping me get through the days.

In the midst of all the tragedy, it seems like for the first time in (recent) history, we are all going through one collective struggle together as a planet. This is leading to an increase in empathy and kindness, mostly in small ways, but as a whole it is incredible to see.

There's a lot of uncertain and strange things happening, but I think there is also something poetic about this situation.

There is still art. There is still creativity. And to me, that means there is still hope.

I keep hearing the quote - "This too shall pass." And it’s true that it will.

I already know that we will come out of this stronger and more connected than ever before. However, our world will not go back to the old "normal". It will be a new world, and hopefully a better one.

I am noticing many smart, self-driven people being forced out of their comfortable jobs and into entrepreneurship.

Somewhat like what happened in 2008 with the rise of the newer tech companies, I believe the next generation of world-changing ideas and companies will be started during this time. The focus is more on helping people. We are literally be forced to come together and get creative, to cope and adjust to our new circumstances.

That gives me hope that the future will be better and brighter than it is now once we get past this.

I hope you can find a little bit of peace today, even if it’s just right now, reading this newsletter.

Don't be too hard on yourself if you can't because you're having a rough day or week. It is expected, and we need to be tender with ourselves.

Taking time for gratitude.

I’m grateful to have a place to stay with family, just north of NYC. Here, the population here is not so dense, and now I can go outside for a walk without feeling paranoid or anxious.

I’m healthy today, and happy to be part of such a supportive creative community - (thank you for being a part of it too).

That’s all I got for today. Please feel free to reach out even if you just need someone to talk to. Thanks for being here.